20 March 2005

Semana Santa

Well folks, Today being Palm Sunday, marks the beginning of Holy Week/Easter in the Christian calendar, or as they call it here in Latin America Semana Santa. It's going to be a relatively short and quiet week here in Caracas. Many people have left on vacation. Those who remain behind...me and the hubby included will work until Wednesday and then have a 4 day weekend. Thursday is Maunday Thursday, never heard of it until I came here. It's a celebrated holiday as it was the day Jesus had his Last Supper with the disciples, hence the famous painting. On Thursday we will attend a service in the evening where the men of our church will do a live rendition of the Last Supper. Jesus of course is missing, as no human can replicate him (yes, not even the Pope).

Then there is Good Friday and of course the day of all days Easter Sunday. On Good Friday, I doan plan on puttin out no egg at midday to see what shape it forms. Wunna remember that. Boy the thing we did as youths or adults back in the carribean. For the youngling ... the story goes, that on Good Friday at midday, you get a fresh laid egg from that morning, break it and put it in the sun at midday and see what shape it takes. If the egg forms into what looks like a boat, then you know that you going to be travelling, a stork means sumbodie gonna have baby, ah coffin, umbodie gine dead ... and the list goes on. Well I never know if any of those tales did come true or not....But no egg for me this Good Firday. Also on it was said that yuh shouldn't go to the beach on Good Friday, never know the reason for that one, but till this day, many Bajans doan go no where near the sea on Good Friday, not them bosie. And to top off the day no house is complete without the matron cooking some kinda fish. Well yes, I included, cause I plan tuh cook some good cou- cou and fish come Good Friday 2005.

So this being Semana Santa, and the hubby and I have family visiting...I might be a bit scarse, like dat is something new wid me these days... But hoping that Blogger doan shut me out..I'll stop by again soon and hail wunna up. In the meantime Felize Semana Santa!!!!


Jdid said...

Well I heard about the egg thing but never saw anyone do it, also heard about the sea thing but my dad will go to the beach during a hurricane so good friday never stopped him.

and how you mean ya neva hear of maudy thursday?

Abeni said...

Yeah heard of the egg thing.Also heard if you cut a peas tree it will bleed.Mackerel is what people buy for Good Friday or some other similar thing.

Scratchie said...

Hi Camp, Just hailin yuh up. Short week here for us too but we only get Friday. We get next Monday as holiday too so two short weeks for us yippeeee!!!! Thursday our church service will replicate the washing of the feet. Parishioners will perform the ultimate sign of service, washing someones feet. The service will also end prematurely in expectation of what Good Friday represents.
have a good week.