17 January 2008

The Bucket List

First before I get to the posting at hand, let me congratulate the Democratic Labor Party (DLP), Prime Minister Elect David Thompson and the people of Barbados for a victorious election win over the Barbados Labor Party and it's fareless leader Owen Arthur. Although it would have been nice to see the BLP make the historic 4th term win, these elections shows Barbadians and the international community at large that democracy is very much alive and well in Barados.

So we've all talked about when someone kicks the bucket..have you ever thought about where that phrase came from? Neither have I, but it's a commonly used one...so n' so done kick the bucket or when I finally kick the bucket...what a interesting analogy about death or crossing over to the other side. Well this new movie with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nichlolson is about just that. The Bucket List the story of two strangers who meet in a hospital room. They are told they both have 6 mths to a year to live. so stranger #1 Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman) decides to write his Bucket List. A list of things he wants to accomplish before he kicks the bucket. I'll leave the stroy there, go see it and seehow it turns out.

But this leaves me wondering. what should be on my Bucket List. What's on your Bucket List?

OK let's see...

Ms. Camp Bucket list in no particular order

1- See my grandchild/children
2- Visit the Motherland
3- Visit Australia
4- Learn a new sport
5- Master a new language
6- Touch someones life in a profound way
7- Be at peace with myself
8- Open a Bed & Breakfast
9- Be debt free
10- Share the love


Anonymous said...

Congrats to the DLP. I wondered about the name of that movie. Now it makes sense.

Unknown said...

Well, life is about changes and I guess Barbados now has a change in government. I think I'll wait on cable for Bucket List.

Abeni said...

Interesting sounding movie

I would want to make peace with some persons

Visit some exotic places

Have a lil Abeni or 2:)

Jdid said...

that is a cool list.

Yamfoot said...

Yammie's bucket list....

1. Write my own book
2. Help to write someone else's memoirs
3. Go see an F1 race live
4. Interview Brian Lara
5. Go to India and Sri Lanka
6. Tell close family members about thoughts I have harboured about our family life for over 30 years.
7. Go to the rest of the Caribbean islands I have not been to yet.

princessdominique said...

Okay I had to skip over your post because I wasn't sure if there were spoiler. I so want to see this movie.

Yamfoot said...

everybody stop blogging now?

When you return, please change the link to my blog. I am now a dot net instead of a dot come.

Hope toda esta bien.