23 April 2009

Just Checking

to see if anyone still happens by this blog. It's been so long, but life has
been happening. I've contemplated blogging again, but find that much people seems to be dropping off the blogsphere now that there is Twitter and Facebook. So this is just a trial entry


Yamfoot said...

I dont like Twitter. I blog less and Facebook more.

Campfyah said...

I did a Twitter account, but never really used it.. Just don't think I want people to know my every move or me to know theirs. Yes, I do facebook.

Abeni said...

Camp..You dont have to tell your every move at all..You run the show:)

Unknown said...

I pass by... trying to get back my blogging mojo!

Mad Bull said...

Like Stunner, I'm trying to get back my blogging mojo!