20 October 2005


It's Thursday already...boy as we get older the time sure goes by faster... de week just started and it almost end already...cha...two turn rounds and de time gone and yuh ein see whey it gone.
Well, no more drama and complaining from me. time too short, and I realizing dat alla deese damned venezulean are the same annoying eediats... enuff sed about that.

Went to the Direct TV office (martes) and had a pleasant enuff experience. they came to connect the service(míercoles) but I wasn't at home, so they left a message saying that they will come again tomorrow (today). vamos a ver. CANTV update--- I still havn't received my international callig service, so I'll pay them a visit again today. I promise, I'll be a nice girl. Girl Guides honor......

Anyhow remember when I wrote about my friend and how I had lost contact with them and wanted to reconnect? Well after doing some research, I found my friends brother phone number. I called the brother (thankfully he remembered me) and tell him that I wanted to get in contact with my friend. The brother and I chatted for a bit. He took my contact info and say that he'll pass it on to the friend. So I'll wait and see if anything comes of it and keep you all posted.

You know that when the hound is away that the cat will play. Well the hound of Alto Campo took a trip to the Big Apple, I decided that I didn't want to go, so here I am at waaaay pass my bedtime hanging out in blogland. Well actually it's not that I didn't want to go. What woman in here right mind will pass up a trip to the Big Apple and all that shopping glory? what it really was is that the hubby went to attend the funeral of a dear friend of his. A young woman in her 30's who suffered greatly and for a long time from diabetes and kidney failure. Her suffering came to an end a week ago, and the funeral was this pastTuesday. Life is so fickle and short.

So Camp stayed back and enjoyed the pleasure of the Apt with her gordita gatita Ginger. Apart from the CANTV experience, it was a plasant few days. A trip to the manicurist and pedicurist and another planned trip later today for the regular 2hrs of facial blist. Blog ladies and gents also, (yes, real men do get facials these days) if you havn't had a complete facial before. I tell you, Try one, it's the best. I also got started on my new project of developing a newsletter for my organization and updating their directory. So I was pretty occupied. I also managed to get in a movie tonight and hang with some of my amigas. We saw Hostage...yea, we know we behind time, but hey this is Caracas, work with us ..yuh lucky it come dis way atall. I enjoyed the movie. I begging de hubby to organize a street copy of Gospel for us, from the Big Apple cause we know that ein coming to a theatre near us atall... I know, i know, we shouldn't bootleg, but sumtimes yuh just gotta bend de rules a bit.

On a unrelated note. Who created these darned words for word verification. I think it's more to fustrate the bloggers than to actually discourage the spammers. Today, I encountered such words as iaislc, sjgrf, vzjwmwz, ifjrzpq what the hell kind of words are these and they were more. I had to reenter my words in about 3 comments sections, cause I couldn't see or read the darn letters with the fancy kind of fonts ... chupse... but hey it sure did stop the spamming and drives me crazy- not having to type in the words, but just trying to read them.


Inside Man said...

Bootleg bangs for the buck. I can't afford these $40 movie extravagazas.

I don't know about the facial thing, soap and water has been doing me alright so far. Ok, I have worn a facial mask before, shhhhh....

Unknown said...

I was wondering how come you turned down a trip the NY. But that was definately not the occasion for shopping.

It's good to know you tried making some contact. So even if your friend doesn't contact you, you did your part.

Fi real mi need a fix up, manecure, pedecure, facial and massage!

princessdominique said...

I'm hoping you get back in contact with your friend. I know that feeling. I'm also with you on the word verify. Some of those words are definitely hard to read and once it took me 3 tries!!!!

Mad Bull said...

Yes, why do they have to make them so hard to read. I figure that once the words are random and they are shown to us via a gif or jpg file, that should be enough to foil the spammers. Sometimes the word verification pisses me off. Heres the word they want me to type in to save this comment now : mwjsjuxh

Abeni said...

I thought I was the only one having problems with the letters.Am this close to turning off mine.

Yamfoot said...

I have never had a facial. One day when I have money, maybe i will try it.

Campfyah said...

my word fuh de day if you ca call it a word uvxuho---in Bajan terms dat sounds like "Yuh vex whore"

Yamfoot, yuh don't have tuh have a lotta money tuh get a facial.

courtney said...

cool..hope you get in contact with your friend!

Scratchie said...

Hope the frenny thing works out. I say cuss them again if they give you any more trouble (CANTV). I don't get the feeling the letter are actually supposed to be words. just random lettering that you enter to gain access.

Scratchie said...

Hope the frenny thing works out. I say cuss them again if they give you any more trouble (CANTV). I don't get the feeling the letter are actually supposed to be words. just random lettering that you enter to gain access.

Cutie Cola said...

It's good to have time to yourself. I am a homebody and my friends always try to get me out of the house. The truth is, I stay home every chance I get (especially in the Winter). I go from School, to Work, to Home and that's the way I like it.