07 December 2005

Estoy aqui

Just a quick note to say hi all and yes I'm back. Vacation is over and so are the funds. I came back with sunburn and all. Can you imagine the sister nursing a sunburn?...OK.. such is life. The vacation was very productive. We did a lot of non-vacation things, but they were all for a good cause and we ein't complaining much. We did get in some beach time and lots of family time, so all in all a nice two weeks. Now we are getting ourselves physically and mentally prepared for the upcoming holidays. All travel is on hold until early next year. Hey a birthday is coming up, so I might sweet talk Mr Camp for a quickie trip somewhere, but we'll see.

So I havn't had a chance to o much blog reading, so I'll play catch up withing the next few day and try to put in a few post. I have a few in the works fromt he trip. Until then It's All Good to be back in blogland.


Abeni said...

welcome back

Unknown said...

Welcome back, we have both been away from blogging for a while. Unfortuneately for me, it's not vacation, but exams. I'm playing catchup myself.


princessdominique said...

Welcome back! I'm playing catch up too.

Scratchie said...

welcome back Camp