09 December 2005


A St. Phillip Areal view. St. Philip is the largest and most eastern parish in Barbaos. The views are almost as spectacular as those of the East Coas.

Since returning from vacation, I've hit the ground running and today is the beginning of a very busy weekend, so a quick post and some photos. I hope things calm down for me after the weekend.

Looka alla de food from de Sin Philip possee carnival.

Then there were the lights of Independence . Bridgetown did looking too pretty Blue, Yellow,Blue lights all ova de place. Sorry I din get no roundabout lights.

And to cap off the post with a beautiful romantic St. Philip sunset. You would think that I come from St. Philip, actuall, I don't. I'm from Christ Curch..but St. Philip took the honors on this trip.

Enjoy your photos and the weekend.


Abeni said...

Didn't know St Phillip had its own carnival.Enjoy the weekend

Unknown said...

At last the photos! Nice photos, especially the sunset. Enjoy the weekend.

princessdominique said...

Great photos. One day I'm going to get there.

Jdid said...

alot a food fa true. is it me or the women in bim looking bigger and bigger each year?