04 February 2007

Super Bowl XLI

Indianapolis Colts vs Chicago Bears
Less that 200 mls seperate these two teams who will battle for football supremamcy in less than 2 hrs. Game day is here. fire up the BBque, not outside though as it's been raining all day in South Fl. chill the brews and set the Tvios to record the commercials, it's game time.

You didn't think that I was a football fan,did yuh? Well really I'm not a big fan. I'll watch a game or two, but don't ask me who plays on what team and dear not ask me any stats, cause I don't know. but yes, I do watch the superbowl.

It all started when the all grown up Tall One was just a little one. we'd sit on the floor and bet against each other as to who will win. It was abonding thing that came grew with us. Tall One is all grown up and more into basketball than he is to football, but we continue the tradition. So it continues with Mr. Camp. and tonight will be no different. Mr Camp and ironicaly Tall One, is on the side of the Colts, that leaves me goig for the Bears. Let's see who reigns supreme for the

Two black coaches, history in the making. Two geat teams. What else can I say. When it's all said and done, one team will reign supreme for the year. Who will it be. Well since I'm on the side of the Bears, i'll have to say, Go Bears, Go!!

South Miami was alive and jumping this weekend. south Beach closed off and the parties were in full swing. Last night however, Mr Camp and I opted for the free bash at Biciential park, followed by the massive fireworks display. We went out on a cruiser and had a birds eye view of the fireworks off the waters... Tonight, it's just sit at home relax infront of the tube and watch the battle for Super Bowl XLI suprememcy!!!!


Abeni said...

Not a big football fan but I like New England. Sorry bout dem Bears..Indy Indy:)

Mad Bull said...

Wait! Ah South Florida you live? Wicked. We soon link up, I just know it.