20 September 2007

Black Out Thursday

ank kicking in the rat race... so wha happening. So much that I wanted to write about but just can't find the time. I think the news media is having a field day wid all the stupid celebrities out there.

First there is the Hollywood 3 Stooges (Lindsay, Paris and Britney) Need I say more. How can three yung girls wid so much money be so caught up.

then there is the stupidest black man on the Planet. Oranthal J. Simpson AKA You stupid azz.. yea, you did it even if you didn't this time, we gonna say you did just so your stupid azz would be
in jail for safe keeping....

Now my real reason for writing today is to pay homage to the Jena 6 boys. now so much attention is focused on the stupideness in the media that the real issues have been overlooked and here we are in the 21 century having to organize civil right marches and protest. Go figure.
But in addition to Jena, there is the hate crime in W. Virginia.. (gotta find the story) WTH is happening to our peoples.


courtney said...

You changed your layout!
PS. I'm wearing my black today.

Unknown said...

No one wants to hear about racism. People want to hear another black man with a possible record, or hear about the crotches of those three.

Unknown said...

The frivolous behaviour of celebrities always take away the attention of people from more serious issues. I guess people prefer to be entertained.

Jdid said...

Jena too serious for the news

Anonymous said...

I keep hearing about this Jena thing. Need to look it up. As for the panty fest 3...tired to hear about them now. They should just lock them up and save us the assault of the media. OJ needs no further attention.

Rev Island said...

60 years old and OJ still wont behave.. what an idiot..

Abeni said...

all of them need pitying..OJ..and the stooges.

Anonymous said...

OJ just needs to get the monkey off his back it has been quite awhile now don't think he expected it to stay there so long... :( poor fellow ..heh heh heh