01 March 2006

Carnaval 2006

Well Carnival has come and gone. It's Ash Wednesday, time to repent for all our sins and look forward to the season of fasting and scracificing. What are you giving up for Lent? I might take this topic a seperate one on his own. So before I give up anything let me release my sins of the carnival weekend.

Carnival here in Arepaland isn't the same as in the Caribbean. It's a 4 day weekend all the same, but people usually just flock to the beaches to catch as much rays as they can. Usually, no parade, activities or any of the flare we have in the islands. For the past couple years it was all about the political activities. Well this year, not much happening on the political forefront, so the municipalities decide to celebrate carnival. So we took in some of the activities.

The fellas looking too sweet huh

I still hey wondering if muh shim on the top dey dey got in some implants in de backpart dey or not. Check out shorty below.

On the other specturm, the peewees were too cute


Jdid said...

which part you carnival was? brokeback mountain :-)

Abeni said...

Lol,I thought those pics were females

Rev Island said...

How are the cornrows? I said I would come off meat for Lent, but last night wifey give me sausage.

Word Verification: fmmximu

The Sarccastik Variable Why said...

oh lord...brokeback festival (will this be our new fad term for gay?)...lol...

Campfyah said...

LOL @ Jdid... the sweet boys were the only people wid anykind ah decent costume dey.