03 March 2006


So we are three days into the season of Lent. The season remembering the 40 days that Jesus was in the wilderness. The 40 days in which Satan tried to temp Jesus to all sorts of things. The 40 days in which Jesus fasted to clear his mind and thoughts with pray and meditation. It's the solem and holy time of the year for those of us who practice the Christian faith. But what does Lent really mean to us??? Many of us decide to give up something during the season. The most common request you hear is to give up smoking, drinking, cussing, sex, lying and the list goes on. In the past I use to make those same request. Oh it's Lent, I'm gonna stop cursing, well mostly it was cursing, cause I really don't drink and I don't smoke. Lots of people include not eating meat for the season or eating only fish. But what are these request really about? Are they about the sacrifice as Jesus made or are they just artificial request and desires. Has anyone ever fullfilled their expectations and sacrifices during the Lent season? I'm sure that I've fallen short of mine in the years gone by.

This year however, I havn't made a request of what I'm giving up as yet. I guess you can say that if by now I havn't made it why bother. Well hey, it's better late than never. The effort is there, the thoughts and the sacrifice is there. So it's taken me a bit to think of what bad vice I have that I want to get rid of. No, I'm not a goodytooshoo but I'd rather give up something major than something trivial, so it took me a bit to think of. Am I going to reveal what I'm giving up, NO! it's something personal to me, so I'll keep it at that. So starting today, I'm giving up that something that's a vice of mine for the season of Lent and if all goes well, hopefully I'll give it up for good.

That's another issue about these 40 days between Ash Wednedsay and Good Friday or Easter Sunday. We endure the sacrifice of something and then what happens? I was making a joke to a friend of mine and I told her, It's Lent, I'm being a good girl, then she asked me a profound question. Then what happens after Lent??? Whoa, I wasn't thinking that far ahead. I'm just trying to get through these 40 days, one day at a time. But it was a valid question nonetheless. What will happen after the 40 days??? Do I go back to doing the same bad vice, do I continue with the sacrifice? What????? Well, I hope that I'll continue on my path of doing what's right. I hope that I don't return to my bad vice only to be making the same request again next year.

I'm not perfect, far from it to say the least, but at least I'm making an honest effort. So during this season of Lent, I'm giving up my bad vice. I've also decided to spend more time reading my Bible. I have a terrible track record in that area. I just can't or won't commit myself to the daily routine of morning meditation. In the mornings, I want to be under my covers fast asleep, not up reading the Bible or any kind of reading for that matter. But I'm making an effort to make bible reading and meditation a part of my morning routine. and that I started on the first day of Lent so, let me see how faithfull I can be in this regard.

So what are you giving up for Lent????

On another note. As per request from Courtney and R.I. here are the cornrows carnival style.
Photo deleted from other malicious people


Unknown said...

Hhmm I don't really observe Lent. So I really don't have any plans to give up anything for the 40 days. I want to stop cussing though. But it's so hard when one has to drive on these Jamaican roads.

Abeni said...

Not giving up anything either.I like those facial decorations

Mad Bull said...

Giving up liquor...

Mad Bull said...

By the way, I vex like how I miss the picha.. .email it to me nuh?

courtney said...

i didnt even get to see the garsh darnded pho-toes. lol